Glowing In The Darkness

Can I get one that says "My family gave two lives in Vietnam. Do we have to do it again in the Gulf?"
I go, the bride of Acheron. --Sophocles, Antigone
Moi, je n'ai pas dit «oui»! ... Moi, je peux dire «non» encore à tout ce que je n'aime pas et je suis seul juge. --Anouilh, Antigone
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich yesterday said the country will be forced to reexamine freedom of speech to meet the threat of terrorism.My response was, if we really will be forced to reexamine someone's freedom of speech, can we please start with his?
Gingrich, speaking at a Manchester awards banquet, said a "different set of rules" may be needed to reduce terrorists' ability to use the Internet and free speech to recruit and get out their message.
"We need to get ahead of the curve before we actually lose a city, which I think could happen in the next decade," said Gingrich....
We already lost a city, Newt. It's called New Orleans. And it was your party, the Republicans, who lost it.
SEN. JOHN CORNYN (R), TEXAS: ...I think we're talking about 20 to 50,000 additional troops to embed them with the Iraqis, so that when we clear areas, we can actually secure them.Of course, they already do have a monopoly on the use of legal force, which proves that is worth nothing in the middle of a full-scale civil war. As for trying to arrest al-Sadr, he is surrounded by lots of armed fanatics who will die to protect him. There would be lots of American casualties and even more Iraqis, probably including al-Sadr himself. Killed, wounded, or just captured, he becomes a martyr and tens of thousands of his supporters take to the streets with guns and mortars and bombs. The U.S. forces would have no choice but to slaughter thousands of them in self-defense as they retreat to no-longer secure bases, and then we'll see pictures of the last stragglers trying to grab onto the landing gear of the helicopters leaving the embassy roofs as we abandon the country.
Then we need to disarm the militias. We need to arrest al-Sadr and make sure the government has a monopoly on the use of legal force.
When someone as proud of his verbal skills as Lileks starts spitting rank foam like this, a charitable interpretation is possible. In this case, I think he is trying to protect art from himself.
If I have to choose, I will choose Murtha. But I am under no illusions about John Murtha. Just because he has credibility on issues of the military doesn't make him good on other issues. I give him the nod because Pelosi wants him, because he projects a strong image, and because he wants out of Iraq now and Hoyer doesn't.And what has Pelosi done for us lately, other than preemptively unload the only weapon she has against Our Lame Tyrant, namely impeachment? What in that merits removing the thorn in her side, for a backroom thug whose record could stand reelection campaigns in reddest Texas? Might we not be better off entrenching endless struggling between the "leaders", so that Bush will have to work harder to make any deals to sell us out?
A giant wooden sculpture of a penis on display at Taipei's international airport has stirred up controversy....Notice that it is not women complaining about this. Can't stand the comparison, huh, guys?
Some foreign crew members and flight attendants refer to the sculpture as "The Thing" and have posted the photo of it on their websites, saying it is an offence to female visitors and flight attendants.
Republicans tried to ride a tidal wave of misogyny to power, particularly with regards to reminding Americans at every turn that a woman would be Speaker of the House if the Democrats won. I'm going to go out on a limb and say I think this strategy backfired. A lot of generally conservative women were on the fence this election, and I know from experience that a lot of women who are conservative but not wingnuts tend to be more femininst than you'd think. Certainly feminist enough to hear Fox News reporters saying, in essence, "Scary scary a skirt with power" and think, "Well, good, I want a woman to have that job."
"They digged a pit,And it serves them all right. Good riddance to the Republicans.
They digged it deep,
They digged it for their brothers;
But it so fell out that they fell in
The pit that was digged for t'others."