Tuesday, January 24, 2006

There Is A Goddess, And She's Pissed

At Shakespeare's Sister they spotted this tale of a vulture unlucky at playing living dice. They bought a dying AIDS patient's life insurance a decade ago, when she had two years to live, agreeing to pay her costs until death in return for a profit from the rest of her policy. Whoops!! She's still here, and their investors are losing cash. As the six-fingered Count said in The Princess Bride, I think that's the saddest tale I've ever heard. Poor vultures! Not finding any sympathy for their deeply felt need for morbid plunder.
"For all moves in consonance with a higher power that understands the meaning of the movement. And each moves the pieces before him in consonance with his ability. So the game is endless and ruthless: and there is merriment overhead, but it is very far away."
--James Branch Cabell, Jurgen


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